Big ideas into actionable strategies.
This planning process and the resulting policies will promote and manage growth, protect and enhance key areas of importance, help the County to accommodate future trends, and provide the necessary baseline for an update to the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Together we will:
Put people first by protecting Nassau's character, providing quality public services, and ensuring access to jobs and housing.
Enhance resiliency by proactively planning for growth that accommodates future demands & protects our rich natural resources, environmentally sensitive areas, waterways, working/agricultural lands, & special places.
Provide a roadway system that allows for safe, convenient, and efficient travel throughout the county. Prepare for future needs and enhance walking, biking, and other types of transportation for residents and visitors.
Protect our local sense of place and strong community ties; recognize and celebrate Nassau County's unique history and culture; preserve historic landmarks, sites, and special places; promote arts, culture, and local traditions; and conserve our natural places and public spaces.
Community Building Blocks
We envision a Nassau County that celebrates the unique character of our communities, preserves history, and recognizes cultures and traditions.
We envision a Nassau County that takes a balanced and responsible approach to growth, redevelopment, economic expansion, and protection of rural areas, active agriculture/silviculture, and land conservation areas.
We envision a Nassau County that is physically connected with safe, accessible multi-modal transportation options and virtually connected by leveraging existing and emerging technologies.
We envision a Nassau County served by an effective and accountable local government that gives equitable validity to competing values and interests, expands civic capacities, pursues the greater common good, and places the long-term best interest of the whole community at the apex of decision making.
We envision a Nassau County that is intentional about creating and safeguarding attainable housing near local employment centers, public facilities, amenities, and high performance public spaces for residents of all ages and their families no matter their stage in life.
We envision a Nassau County that evolves with its citizens by providing access to healthy food, medical services, education, the arts, parks, nature, entertainment, socialization, and leisure activities.
We envision a Nassau County that supports retail, business, and industrial innovation, resulting in a robust local economy and variety of job opportunities for existing and future residents.
We envision a Nassau County that is environmentally, socially, and economically resilient which protects our rich supply of natural resources, supports conservation, fortifies community life lines, and creates a diversified, sustainable and resilient local economy.
Timeline of Process
FALL 2023 - SPRING 2024
Setting Your Foundation:
Analyze existing conditions
FALL 2023 - SUMMER 2024
Building Your Vision:
Engage the public to identify community values
WINTER 2023 - FALL 2024
Creating Your Framework:
Establish the growth and opportunities framework
FALL 2024 - WINTER 2025
Drafting Your Plan:
Prepare & review the draft plan
SPRING 2025 - SUMMER 2025
Initiating Implementation:
Adopt the final plan